1) A staggering number of text, photo, and video testimonials of how this protocol cured cancer or other horrible maladies
2) Opinions, misdirections, and outright lies presented as facts
I think it's fair to say the Budwig phenomenon has reached cult status.
So one might wonder - just because her followers play fast and loose with the facts and exhibit cult-like behavior, does that mean it's all meaningless? Originally I thought so, but the presence of such a volume of anecdotal data is nearly unprecedented. So I began picking through all the bullshit to see if I could find any kernels of truth. Dr. Budwig found that blood samples from cancer patients and victims of several other serious diseases were consistently low in phospholipids and lipoproteins. Adding fish oil to the diet in any reasonable amounts did not seem to improve the blood work. Dr. Budwig wrote, "Solid fats are not water-soluble and cannot associate with protein. They are not capable of circulating through the fine capillary networks. The blood thickens and circulation problems arise. In various studies the only substance which characterized the cancerous cells, as opposed to healthy ones, was isolated

While I cannot claim to have done an exhaustive search, there is one place on the Internet that has a higher fact to bullshit ratio than all the others. It's the Yahoo Group for Flax Seed Oil, and you must join the group (free of charge) to access any data there. Check it out at: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FlaxSeedOil2/info?guccounter=1. Even this site is not fully free from highly emotional inputs and pedantic pronouncements (e.g. drink sauerkraut juice first thing every morning, avoid antioxidants ?!!, never eat animal protein of any type, ect.) By and large it's pretty good.
I personally know of several folks who were near terminal with stage 5 metastasized cancer whose situations improved immediately upon ingesting the FOCC mixture. Whether it was because the Budwig model is correct, or because they were getting needed calories since chemo or radiation robbed them of appetite is unknown. And again, it's only more anecdotal evidence. I experimented with making FOCC. The flaxseed oil is very thick and viscous - as much like motor oil as anything edible. Blending it thoroughly with cottage cheese makes something thick and gooey, but not greasy or oily in any way. Supposedly this is water soluble? I added some plain water, and the results were shocking - keep adding and mixing, and the FOCC disappears into solution. This is a simple experiment, but it quickly proves the basic tenet of the protocol. Still skeptical? Try the same with motor oil, and the results will be very different. And you will likely be banned from the kitchen for life...If you are more of a bottom-line person, you will just want to know what to do. For the basic treatment, consume 1 serving (or more, if you are very sick) of the basic Flax Oil / Cottage Cheese (FOCC) mixture daily. Here's the recipe for one serving of FOCC (which tastes better than it sounds):
Add 6 tablespoons of low fat (1% or 2%) organic cottage cheese to 3 tablespoons of cold pressed flax seed oil.

I have decided to add a serving of the FOCC to my daily diet, substituting for eggs and toast most mornings, or providing a fairly hefty afternoon snack. With my judgment day only 7 weeks away, I need all the extra help I can get!
Associated with the basic FOCC mixture is a fairly complex diet of vegetables, juice, and other sources of natural enzymes. You can read a short summary of that diet at: http://www.positivehealth.com/article-view.php?articleid=456 I have not chosen to follow the whole protocol because it's potentially overkill for me, and my other dietary precautions address many of the same factors. Plus the fact that it's a nuisance, and appears to be more ritual than science. It certainly won't hurt you (except for the avoid antioxidants mantra).
In other news, we should all celebrate that Robert S. in New York got the "all clear" from his second TUR (with the 6-BCG ordeal in between #1 and #2). He has a cystoscopy in 3 months, and no idea if he's in for maintenance BCG or not.
What's the purpose of adding the ground flax seeds to the FOCC mixture?
Good question - not addressed in the post. The FOCC by itself is simply a mechanism to drive Omega-3 fatty acids into the bloodstream and throughout the body. The raw flax seeds contain additional fiber, trace elements, and vitamins not often found in Western diets. One potentially helpful compound is amygdalin, also known as laetrile or Vitamin B17. So I recommend including the flax seeds in the FOCC, just in case these additional compounds are helpful. Even if not, there's nothing harmful, and more fiber is always a good thing!
There are some who joined the FlaxseedOil2 group whose cancers got worse, despite doing the diet. I was on that group for over a year. My cancer got worse. When I brought this up, I was banned from the group. Bringing it up once is ok, but if you bring it up more often, they ban you. If you were helped by the diet thought, they love it when you always mention it. The lady moderating the group has no scientific background. She actually told everyone not to eat corn, then "about-faced" saying, "now that I have new information on corn, it's ok to eat corn. I seen 1 guy start the diet, his lung cancer exploded in him and he was dead in 3 weeks. His wife wrote in. The moderator said, "he must have been depressed". Please, try the diet if you have cancer, but DO NOT just rely on this group. They ARE a cult.
As for the diet, the only element I chose to adopt from the entire Budwig protocol is the routine ingestion of the FOCC mixture. I think there is a much wider choice of dietary alternatives (as well as issues to deal with in the food supply) that have proven to be helpful in fighting cancer since Dr. Budwig's work was completed. I have found FOCC to be generally helpful (once or twice a week, max). Surprisingly, it also triggers an acidic biochemistry for me, and there is a legion of evidence that alkaline environments are better to combat cancer. Diet must be managed to mitigate this factor.
I am not familiar with the dynamics of the aforementioned group, so I shall let the comment stand on its own in that regard.
Steve, what was the grade and stage of your cancer and how are you doing now? My mother was diagnosed in December with stage 1(possible invasive) grade 3 bladder cancer and urologist is consulting with oncologist re. bone scan and CT scan to check for metastasis, but urologist personally recommends aggressive treatment ie. bladder removal.
My mother is feeling okay right now but is scared, and I am worried too. I got her reading on the Budwig protocol, she's bought an exercise gym, and I will have her start juicing, and she's committed to changing everything she does to beat this. My dad just died less than a year ago from kidney cancer only 3.5 weeks after he was diagnosed.
Praying to God above all of course. What's happened with you?
If you wish to contact me, check out the photo-link at the bottom of the left side.
My cancer was T1G3, or Stage 1 and Grade 3. Bladder removal in this case is overly conservative (aggressive). It is, sad to say, more profitable for the doctor as well.
I am alive and well and cancer-free for more than 5 years as of this writing. Continue reading the blog for more tips on beating cancer.
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