For those interested in the gory details, they are described on the Series 2 Backup Page (7/10 on the "ick" scale, from last week).
I also revisited the BCG schedule that Dr. Lamm recommended, and scheduled out my best case scenario to complete the BCG regimen. It was a bit of an eye-opener to see that my BCG treatments will complete in the last half of the year 2020! Guess I need to start thinking out beyond April...
Other bladder cancer news:
David F. in England is slowly recovering. He was hammered with a nasty cold/flu after his last cystoscopy and biopsy (in hospital with general anesthesia), and that nastiness progressed into a wicked ear infection. David had good news/bad news from his scoping - no cancer or pre-cancerous cells, but atypical cells were observed. So David, who thought he was "all done," now has some more BCG and scopings to come. Schedule and duration still TBD, but not likely to go through 2020!
HK from Canada reports all clear from his cystoscopy and starts another three doses of BCG maintenance next Tuesday, February 10. HK had a rough time tolerating the BCG before, so I hope he can convince his faceless, socialized system to drop his dosage. I sent him the "misery graph" above to use as ammunition.
Andy P. (also in England) has had a bonus diagnosis of hypertension (high blood pressure), which is a new experience for him as well. This is on top of an upcoming in-hospital cystoscopy on Monday, February 23. That UK procedure is brutal. Overnight hospitalization, catheter, saline wash, etc. And they remove tissue from six areas to be thorough. I'm man enough to admit I appreciate the gentler (albeit more frequent) flexible scope approach used in the USA.
Wish us all the best, and keep us in your prayers. It's clear they are having positive effects!
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