First up was Ben F. in Louisiana, whose procedures were on Thursday, January 31. We shall have to change his name from "Mobile Biohazard Man" to "Hardcore Ben." Here is his report:
GREAT NEWS.....cysto yesterday was ALL CLEAR!! ......followed immediately by BCG. I never left the table. No need for biohazard stop along the way home. I think that this was my 20th BCG treatment.....
As you did, I moderated fluid intake a good bit and added Powerade Zero. Worked really good, was up only 2 times all night and feel great today. Also, took ibuprofen about 3 times, including this morning. Am now continuing to sip Powerade. Truly, God is great all the time and power of prayer is amazing..... This was my 24 month mark, so feeling real good about that milestone.... Am thinking about our brother, Sebastian, hope he has good news shortly.
On Friday, February 1, Sebastian in Argentina had his cystoscopy. He emailed me that an ultrasound and lab work earlier this week were good, so all that remained was the short agony of the cystoscopy today. Because Sebastián is a writer, El Caligrafo, his message was very concise:
Dear friend
It's ALL CLEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we shall conclude that this is a week of good news.
Want to also mention for the record that Ed B. in Washington was also ALL CLEAR in early December, making it over 6 years for him!
God is indeed good, ALL THE TIME!
I offer a virtual "high five"to my fraternity brothers!