Tuesday brought a ferociously busy work day and evening, slowing down a bit on Wednesday, which was when I found myself falling into "freakout mode." Stayed as busy as I could, and came home early to take a nap and try to relax. Refreshed myself on the deep-breathing technique and practiced a couple of times on Wednesday night. It really does help a lot. Slept pretty well and was up early for a long, hot shower and more deep breathing. The day was dark, gloomy, cool and overcast - giving a film noir effect. My procedure is almost always late in the mornings, but we were able to be first on the docket at 9AM. The trip down was traffic-free, safely after the morning rush hour into Salt Lake City. Arrived early and signed the consent form, then we were shown to the exam room a few minutes after 9. Urine sample given, the nurse asked me to disrobe (keeping only shirt and socks) and get on the table. Having noted that Dr. Hopkins had taken one patient before me, I asked if I could wait until we were truly "next." She was having none of that, so I smiled, replied, "Yes Ma'am!" and hopped to it. As I expected the wait was about 20 minutes before the doctor came in. I really should buy a piece of interesting art for them to mount on the ceiling over the exam table.
Dr. Hopkins was all smiles and business, noting that he had not seen me in quite a while - this being the first six-month space between cystoscopic exams. After verifying that we already had BCGs scheduled, he saw that I was relaxed and ready, so we proceeded. Happily the scope was hooked to the monitor for me to watch, and this focus really does improve my ability to relax and ignore the procedure. Sixty seconds later we could see that all was clear, and we were left alone. First order of business after getting dressed was to return the saline solution that had been instilled for the procedure, which left my bladder uncomfortably full.

Here is where things were different. In the past I had steadfastly refused to plan ANYTHING after a Judgment Day, due to my inability to make a firm commitment with uncertain outcomes. The last two times I planned (and pre-paid) for dinners out with the wine club, and even scheduled some meetings for work. But always with a bucket of disclaimers and cautions. But due to providence (or cosmic convergence if you like), I not only had plans out for the next couple of weeks, I had a meeting to run at work this very same day at noon! My wife dropped me at the building at 10:30 with instructions to retrieve me at 2PM. So rather than retiring to a solitary room to hydrate and recover (takes about a day and a half for cystosocopy), I was into full work mode nearly immediately. I did take a few minutes to dash off some email updates on the ALL CLEAR to those who had requested such, made calls to my parents and brother (who by then had already read the email), and got right to work. The meeting went fairly well, and I was also privileged to share the joy of my good results with various co-workers who stopped by to give cheers and high fives. My take on all of it? I told them, "From the neck up, I feel like dancing!"
I packed the laptop and moved to the home office to complete the work day, with plans to work from home on Friday. In the past I had always taken the day off to recover, and sometimes even

Even though there is not much real physical trauma from which to recover, I am always amazed at the mental toll. The fiercest concentration was required to complete simple tasks, and the effort to hold coherent conversations was shocking. I believe I was able to muster enough energy to get things done, and slept well both nights. Today I feel much better, pretty much back to normal. Even though I have been through this and worse before, I am still amazed how difficult it is to recover mentally. Having to do productive work immediately afterward was taxing beyond my greatest expectations. I have also moved the BCGs from Thursday mornings to Fridays. My reason for selecting Thursday was that the doctors would be available on Friday should there be any trouble. But as a BCG veteran, there is no point in wasting a vacation day now. So Fridays will be BCG days and Saturdays will be flu-like symptom recovery day. The big drawback here is that Dr. Hopkins only works in the office on alternate Fridays. So we selected a schedule to go Friday, Thursday, Friday. But he is taking that middle week off, so I elected to go with PA Liz again and do the middle one on Friday. Hopefully it will not be as comical as the last time she substituted, the details of which were not really disclosed. Waiting for the book deal, I guess.
The bottom line is this. Two days after a clean report and now officially 27 months cancer free, I now really believe that I have crossed the two year bridge. While the bladder cancer is still very likely to recur once or more in the next eight years, it is highly unlikely to be very severe. Life is really looking up, and as always, GOD IS GOOD - ALL THE TIME.
Below are a few photos from the motorcycle ride through Idaho and our attendance at the WeSTOC XV rally. Click to enlarge any of them, and see if you can spot the deer in the first one!

1 comment:
That is beautiful country, God blessed us with a beautiful country.
I can see where you are coming from with the anticipation and relief after each time to be tested. I also go threw a similar situation before and after each time.I am now at 14 months with my next appointment scheduled for Oct.25th.I still have anxiety each time.
I pray and ask God to heal my bladder and make it whole and healthy, also you Steve and everyone else who is or has had this affliction.
Your friend
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