Urine was checked, room and equipment made ready, and BCG mixed to 1/3 of a dose by 10:30. The doc was in and out a few minutes later, and we were driving home by 10:45. I had decided to ramp down the massive hydration a bit, limiting myself to about a quart per hour. This plan seemed to work well, and the special handling period was able to begin right on time at 12:45. Continuing the moderate hydration pace, I was able to reduce the trips to the toilet and increase the volume each time - perhaps a good thing to exercise the abused bladder?

One thing that I noticed in my BCG series last September, the famous "flu-like" side effects have begun to appear. Prior to last time I was exhausted the next day, and my brain was fuzzy - so work of any importance was not an option. But last time it was like a full blown flu. Body aches, head aches, chills, the whole lot. Gone within 18 hours. I decided this time to add these symptoms to my "pee by pee" diary. So while the urinary symptoms were very minor, the flu-like symptoms did appear in the form of a dizzying headache at 10PM last night. Two extra strength acetaminophen tablets dispatched most of it within half an hour. But by 11PM some minor body aches were starting. I just went to bed and slept OK, rising three times to urinate at midnight, 2AM, and 5:30. Got up this morning at 7:30 and was quite surprised to feel like I have a minor hangover. And I promise I did not touch a drop - haven't for days! Fortunately I have enough experience in such matters to simply ignore it. No further drugs or other treatments.
And if you were wondering, the biohazard pee is NOT REALLY pink. Nor should it be used for melting snow! But it does help recovery (for those of us who are properly equipped) to return to the standing position after the toxic handling period is completed!
Since the symptoms were so mild, I changed my practice of hiding them in a backup page (this time). No stomach churning details, and that is a good thing! Check it out in the grid below, after clicking to enlarge it to readability...
1 comment:
Glad that it was mild this time. Is Bio-Hazard man losing his famed super powers? We will have to wait and see what numbers 2 and 3 bring no doubt. Very pleased you had a low reaction this time. Have a great weekend. David
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