I read on ADR's blog that he was very annoyed at having his driveway covered in fox poop last night on returning home, followed by a hearty rant about tree-huggers and the like that was very entertaining and well worth a minute to read. We should all look to Britain to see the logical ends of the current, pervasive P.C. movement in this country. In the meantime, thank God I live in America where mostly all I have to worry about is my own poop!
New side effect this week during the 6 hour post-BCG purging process. I had a reddish-brown color which could be a harmless side effect of the Macrobid, well documented in the paperwork they give you. I was thinking that there's no way for me to tell whether there's some blood in the urine or whether the coloration is entirely due to the Macrobid, so I did a little research and found that this is the same antibiotic they gave me for post-surgical recovery, and I had no discoloration then. So it's certainly possible I have some general bleeding responsible for the new colors... Another new experience - nine small, bright red blood clots.

I called the Urology Clinic and reported my symptoms to a nurse. Dr. Hopkins himself called back an hour later. He indicated that inflammation does increase each week, and that while most don't have blood, it's within the range of things to be expected. Since it's clear this morning, he said to go ahead and proceed with #4 next week.
Clearly my liquid intake has increased each week. I was over-cautious on Week 1, and ended up "going" 6 times in the 6+ hours of special handling, some with good volume. Week 2 was up to 8 times, all with good volume, and Week 3 was 11 times, all with good volume. I think the flushing

On a side note, here's a special public thanks to my friend TK who sent a very thoughtful gift, received today. It's a teleidoscope with a dragonfly on it to symbolize good luck, strength, and peace. This device is a good match for my quirky personality, throwing concrete images off kilter. The picture at left (click on it for a larger version) shows what flowers and leaves look like, and as you rotate it the image changes pattern like a kaleidoscope. I had a lot of fun looking at the computer screens and dogs with it! Thanks much!
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