Then on Tuesday I had a CT Urogram, and again the results were available in a couple of hours. Not so good - the Radiologist was extremely thorough, and noted some benign cysts in the lining of one lung, some more and likely benign small cysts on the liver, some deposits from coronary artery disease, and something called hepatic steatosis or "fatty liver disease." All of these are somewhat normal for US citizens over 60, and verified to me that I am only a few days away from turning 62. The fatty liver is partly a result of 15 months of weight gain and near-total inactivity thanks to fucking COVID.

Medford, Oregon is beautiful and completely locked down due to COVID. Restaurants had been allowing up to 25% capacity dining, but the Friday before our arrival the governor of the state decided that so much freedom must be squelched and, citing rising cases, shut down restaurants again. I learned that Asante Group's 3 hospitals had only 40 COVID cases between them with about 20 in ICU, far below their capacity - these places are HUGE. But no matter, we did carry out or dined on the sidewalks outside of places and had a good time anyway.
Today was yet another picture perfect weather day (we are well ahead of fire season and summer smoke), and we headed to our 9:15 appointment just before 9AM. Checkin was fast, and we were almost immediately called inside. Quick vital signs and a short wait for the exam room, then numbing Xylocaine applied to the entry area and clamped. After maybe 5 minutes Dr. Hopkins appeared, very happy to see us again. He shared some family news, mostly good and some tragic, and we exchanged pleasantries before getting down to business with High Def cysto and super-fast DRE. He saw nothing, and had not noticed the supposed typo in the CT report. When we called his attention to it, he also dismissed it as an error. And to his credit, he immediately pulled up the actual X-rays on screen and double checked - nothing at all in the bladder, verified of course by his visual inspection via cysto. Officially ALL CLEAR!
Photo below is stock photo of cystoscopy - it is NOT me and not Dr. Hopkins, but fairly represents the procedure.
We discussed BCG, as my final scheduled maintenance series had been planned for 2020. He pointed out that I was doing exceptionally well, and that BCG supplies were very limited, so they were not doing maintenance BCG at all this year. He said we could declare BCG maintenance officially complete, and I was eager to concur. Good news all around.

God is Good - All the Time!
Awesome news and congratulations!
For me, cysto in April 2021 showed no recurrence and all clear. As you pointed out, it is always a great relief to get that news. Diagnosed in October 2014, so 6.5 years cancer free.
Scott in South Carolina
Congratulations!! Thank you for this blog as it is always encouraging. My husband is also cancer free 11 years!! He is still under the care of THE Dr. Lamm.
Again, very happy for you!
Mac and Randi McIntyre
Fantastic news Steve. Keep up the great work. David F in the UK
This is so awesome Steve!! My husband will be having his first cysto next month since finishing his six weeks of BCG last week. We are confident that it will be all clear as well! He tolerated the treatment very well and I am grateful for that. I am also beyond grateful for your blog and your generosity of spirit. This is not a club anyone wants to join but I'm grateful for you sharing your experience and helping so many others. You are a blessing. I'm looking forward to reporting back on the first of MANY all clears for my husband!
D&W, Suburban Chicago
And congratulations to you Scott and to Mac & Randi! An absolute blessing to hear "ALL CLEAR" and for the time frame of being cancer free! May God continue to bless you!
Suburban Chicago
Thanks to all for the good news on your end and the kind words!
My husband had his second cysto after two 3-week maintenance BCG treatments and they found one small low grade spot (same as last time). CT scan was clean, urine cystology still showed some high grade cells. But the doctor was pleased, gave him a dose of gemcitabine and told him to resume BCG in six months. His next cysto in December. We are praying for the first real all clear on the cysto and urine test. God is so good!
Suburban Chicago
Congratulations on your all-clear! I just had my 7-year follow-up cysto, and I, too, am clear!
I really appreciate you keeping up this blog. It was invaluable to me when I first got diagnosed. FYI, I am a female, just so you know you are reaching everyone.
Also, for anyone reading this, the baking soda isn't something I do every day, but when you are going for those cystos, it really helps. Also, consider dropping coffee. It was messing with my thyroid, and who knows what else.
Best wishes for your continued good health!
Thanks to Anonymous female for your support. Doing baking soda a few days a year for cystos makes NO SENSE to me. This is a long term treatment to fundamentally alter your body chemistry from acid to alkaline, and achieves a much greater impact than diet alone can do. I cannot imagine how it would help you get through a cysto easier. Also coffee can have a lot of benefits for many people. Those who experience problems might consider avoiding it,
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