Scar Wars VI
Return of the Bed - I
In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Return of the Bed - I
In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Our Hero returns having been trained by Yogi.
Our Hero has lost his sense of Tumour.
All that is left of the Carcinoma in Situ has been blown away.
The BCG and its Forces of Good have smashed the remaining cells of resistance.
Once again the bladder functions as it should.
All that is left of the Carcinoma in Situ has been blown away.
The BCG and its Forces of Good have smashed the remaining cells of resistance.
Once again the bladder functions as it should.

Our Hero, keen to ensure no further outbreak of hostilities goes once again into the NHS
Filled with Trepidation (and other mind bending drugs) he enters the Theatre of Operations. Just One More Time!Darth Urologist and her evil henchmen having failed to operate last time are keen to get our hero on to the table? "Do you expect me talk Darth?". "No I expect you to cry" Having starved, as instructed and arrived shaken, not stirred at the Hospital, our hero was led immediately to Theatre Preparation but was told, as were the others in the area - "don't get changed as we don't have any beds and you may be cancelled." "Deja Vu" thought our Hero Nero! "What did you say?". "Deja Vu" "Wow I thought you were about to say that". Time ticked by and our hero practices deep breathing and self hypnosis and listens to music and generally brings his blood pressure from off the boil to slightly above having your head squeezed in a vice.
Then the inevitable happens, the Registrar walked in and said that we are cancelled but asks me alone to stay as I am a priority and it might be possible to find a bed. The chap opposite gets dressed and goes off to enjoy Christmas and new Year without his Prostate being bored out. The other chap, who has been very nervously waiting decides to pay to go private and within 15 minutes he is signed up and gowned and off to Theatre giving me a nervous look and a thumbs up. I smile and wave reassuringly to him. He looks like I feel - poor fella, I know what he will feel like in the morning...