This time I tried to focus more on the general feel of things, including minor inconveniences for a few days after, which I had formerly dismissed in order to pretend to be mentally tough. Maybe good for the ego, but not all that helpful for the audience. I also did not discontinue any supplements or other lifestyle until the day of the treatments, except for the 3rd one - when I took a beta glucans supplement early in the morning before the treatment. If you were wondering if beta glucans are worth the expense, or whether they do anything, I suggest you compare treatment 2 and 3. Normally #3 would be worse, and it was much milder in this case. Here are the symptom charts from this series:
With a 3 year gap since the last time, the first treatment was no big deal. Just an inconvenience. The second treatment pretty much mirrored 2014, as did my protocol - no supplements, medium hydration including Gatorade, etc. I have had much worse times with BCG in the past, but after feeling so good for so long, this second treatment was pretty tough on me mentally. For the third treatment I took a chance and did my normal, empty-stomach, early morning beta glucans supplement. The difference was quite astounding. Even so, I am not eager to do it again, even though the original protocol suggested by Dr. Lamm would indicate one final series of 3 maintenance treatments in 2020.
Dr. Hopkins has mentioned several times that he is unsure of the benefit of continued BCG maintenance, but he has gone along with the Lamm recommendation from the beginning. We did skip one series by broadening the timespan from 1 year to 2 years early, and ended up skipping another by broadening the 2 years to 3 years starting last time. We may end up blowing off the series in 2020. If you ask me now, a month later, I'd say 2020 is not going to happen. Not so much because of the nuisance, nor that I think BCG is not effective. But more so the other supplements, lifestyle, and diet changes I have made have improved my health to the point that I think what I do now is more powerful than another BCG series would be. So why spend another 3 days in discomfort, running to squat on the toilet and doing the biohazard thing? I may feel differently then, if insurance is still paying, and I am in a "cowboy up" mood. Time will tell.
In the meantime a lot of you have come and asked me something to the effect of: "Exactly WHAT is it that you are doing now?" I suppose digging through the blog posts to find what I did and then translate in things that I changed my mind on is a big pain. So I plan to make another post later on that summarizes my current protocol and provides the rationale for each. I need to ponder it for a bit and then get in the mood, so no promises of when, but hopefully later this summer.