I got a question from Mike in South Carolina regarding curcumin consumption: "I have started taking Curcumin 95% total curcuminolds (rhizome-curcuma longa) (18:1) derived from turmeric . I was wondering if you know anything about whether it is beneficial in the fight against bladder cancer?"
Taken from "Foods to Fight Cancer" by Belivau and Gingras, curcumin as consumed in foods with curry (primarily in India) has been postulated (but not proved in peer-reviewed study) to be a factor in the dramatic difference in the rates of many types of cancer between India and North America/Europe. For men the rate of bladder cancer in India is 1/8 the rate in the USA.
The anti-promotional benefits (meaning it does not prevent cancer triggers, but impedes cancer formation) of curcumin are pretty well studied. It has a well demonstrated anti-inflammatory effect, which is vital for those with cancer tendencies. The link between consumption in pill or food has not been studied as well. In the US we are pre-disposed to isolate and deliver in pill form, such as you are taking. In general, it is not certain whether isolating the pure compound (curcumin in your case) is truly beneficial versus consuming it as food along with potentially beneficial corrolary compounds. In fact, as in the case of soy extracts, it may well be too much of a good thing and potentially harmful.
In the case of curcumin, it may not be so much harmful as a waste of time. Pure curcumin is not readily bio-available (your digestive system does not pass it readily into the bloodstream). But curcumin in curry form adds the synergistic compound piperine, which increases curcumin bioavailability by a factor of 10. Piperine is found in most forms of pepper - always an ingredient in curry mixes.
In summary, for bladder cancer: Curcumin good, taken regularly as a food along with piperine (most commonly in curry) very good, taken as an isolated chemical in a pill - not so much, albeit very convenient.
It's been a bit over a month since my last post and over six months since I last updated all of you on the progress of our little bladder cancer "fraternity." The news is mostly good. In my case, no activity until March, and then only CT scan and flexible cystoscopy. If all clear, nothing for six more months - meaning NO BCG. That means my news is all good news indeed.
David F. in England is busy starting up a new business, having mostly freed himself from wage slavery in a bureaucratic but well-intentioned charity job. He is having crazy days and dramatic mood swings - both quite normal for a start-up business. Medically speaking, his biggest battle of note was coming to grips with having dental work done (including a root canal), sending us all an important message about not putting such things off. His bladder cancer news is entirely good, as in August he was told that, after four years, dozens of BCGs, and nine surgeries, that he was officially ALL CLEAR and would be going to flexible cystoscopies (and no BCG) annually. Huzzahs all around are in order for David!
HK in Toronto, as some may recall, was having a truly awful time. He had constant pain, well after the timeframe that any of the rest of us had, and particularly bad side effects from BCG - to the point that he could not continue them. Last month he was ALL CLEAR on his flexible cystoscopy, and while his doctors considered doing some BCG, they decided the agony was not justified by the potential benefit. They will wait six months and do another cystoscopy, and they advised him to "take it easy and try not to have stress." Good advice for all of us!
We have a new member, Patrick from SoCal (Southern California), who reports, "I am a 44 year old married African American with 3 beautiful kids and 1 year ago this month I was diagnosed with carcinoma in situ (I never smoked either). I have had the 6 week initial treatment along with 1st 3 week BCG, I am currently going through my 2nd series of 3 week treatments. I have taken the trip to Arizona to see Dr. Lamm and he along with my doctor confirmed I am cancer FREE. I pray and hope the BCG continues to do the job." CIS is nasty business when inside the bladder, but it often responds well to BCG treatments. More on this in Brian's report below.
Brian S. in Atlanta is receiving excellent care with the best tools available. He suggests any in the area should contact him (via this blog) for a referral to his clinic, which he describes in glowing terms: "My clinic has this new scope and it's got an LED light (very bright), a still camera, and of course full motion video. The scope cost $17K! Having the pictures really helps when I go back in a few months later and we ask, "was that there before?" My wife was in the room too and both of us could see inside my bladder as he was doing the procedure. He took pictures of the suspicious area. He even turned the camera back to see it entering my bladder. He described that as, "looking at ourselves". It was surreal, but very cool. This clinic is the best in the area. And to top it off, it's non-profit and backed by the co-founder of Home Depot. Needless to say, they aren't pushing you through to get to the next guy's co-payment!"
Brian's news is not as good as we hoped. His urine cytology came back "suspicious," and the scope revealed what looked to be a white patch of peeling skin. His Emory-trained doctor, who has been in practice for a long time, had never seen anything like it. I suspected it might be CIS (Carcinoma in Situ) that had been damaged (perhaps killed) by BCG. They biopsied him via TUR surgery followed by a mytomycin chemo bake of the bladder. It was the size of a silver dollar, and the biopsy did confirm CIS, which is good news for other cancers and not so much for bladder cancer. CIS is relatively rare, comprising approximately 10% of cases, and is considered to be a superficial tumor (does not penetrate the bladder lining). It is a high-grade and aggressive manifestation of bladder cancer that has highly variable outcomes. David F. above had CIS in addition to other tumors, and clearly he has responded well to BCG. And so Brian will have SIX more BCGs to be followed by scopes.
Roy from Alabama had a minor scare with 2 "spots" detected during the cysto on his very first judgment day, having completed his six initial BCGs. We are all thankful that the biopsies showed them benign. Mike from South Carolina reports that he had three tumors removed in June and six BCGs. Now he will have flexible cystoscopies every six months for two years. If all goes well, annually thereafter. He is not going to have maintenance BCGs at this time.
Robert S. in New York is now 22 months ALL CLEAR and goes to annual flexible scopings. No BCG maintenance for him either.
I have not heard from Ed B. in Washington, Asya in California, or Jeff in the UK since last April. Let's hope that no news is good news for them all. Perhaps they will give us updates in comments below...
Need to contact me? Use the photo-link near the bottom of this column.
Had an interesting annual checkup - no cysto, but ultrasound and blood/urine tests. Bottom line ALL CLEAR now 14 years and counting! God is good!
My parents were from a generation that feared seat belts. In May of 2013 they were both ejected from their vehicle (my father would have said "thrown clear") and did not survive. Automobile safety technology has dramatically improved since the 1950s and 1960s.
People, if you are traveling over 35mph, WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS!
Recent Results
ME! - Steve K. in Bodrum, Türkiye ALL CLEAR on June 10. - 14 yrs
Wil S. in Chicago ALL CLEAR on March 22. - 15 months HK in Toronto ALL CLEAR on Feb 5. - 13+ years
Steven S. in Tennessee ALL CLEAR on Oct 27. - 10 years Roy B. in Alabama ALL CLEAR on May 4. - 9 yrs Scott in South Carolina ALL CLEAR on April 20. - 6.5 yrs
David F. in England ALL CLEAR on October 2 - 14.25 yrs and finished with cystos now!
Julie M. in Illinois ALL CLEAR on June 15. - 8+ yrs
Roy B. in Alabama ALL CLEAR on June 24. - 8 yrs
Ed B. in Washington ALL CLEAR January (but battling lung cancer now). - 9 yrs Bladder Cancer Free Patrick P. in LA area ALL Clear on November 28. - 9 years Sebastián in Argentina ALL CLEAR on October 9. - 5 yrs John B. in Minnesota ALL CLEAR on May 24. - 5 yrs Doug B. in Tennessee ALL CLEAR on April 7. - 3 yrs Ben F. In Louisiana ALL CLEAR on Feb 22. - 6 yrs
Need to contact me? Use the photo-link near the bottom of this column.
Short Summary of My Situation
On March 31, 2008 I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. As a non-smoker, at my age, with no family history of cancer on either side, I was quite surprised. The cancer was T1-G3 and Non-Invasive. It's not immediately life threatening, but my bladder is still at risk. I have been CANCER FREE via surgery for 14 years now, an important number - having exceeded both the two year ultra-high-risk and 10 year medium-risk recurrence periods. Less than 2% chance of the cancer returning now, not zero, so lifetime annual cystoscopies are in order. In addition I have completed 6 weekly treatments of initial BCG immunotherapy and nine 3-week maintenance rounds with moderately unpleasant side-effects. I have implemented radical dietary changes (limited pork, shellfish, sugar, ZERO artificial sweeteners (except stevia), processed flours, or chlorinated water), take several vitamins and supplements including the Budwig Flax Oil Cottage Cheese (FOCC) mix, resumed PectaSol-C MCP,and added regular light exercise.
Every year my doctor will visually inspect for new cancer growth via cystoscope, or a combination of ultrasound with blood and urine tests. While the probability of recurrence is not zero, the risk of disease progression is dramatically decreased now. The downside picture is merely a nuisance. Annual checkups for life. And any new cancer leads to another TURBT surgery to remove and analyze what's there. Probably nothing more beyond increased surveillance after that.
I have pursued an analytical approach to Complementary Therapies - those that can be done IN ADDITION TO what the doctors are doing. There are over 200 "unproven" approaches out there, and some work sometimes. I have conducted an objective, systems-based analysis many of them to determine which ones work under which conditions, looking for common, science-based threads. My current set of things I am doing is described in detail in this post.
All diagnosis, prognosis, and medical treatment recommendations have been validated with second opinions from a urologist in Indiana and Dr. Lamm in Arizona.
I am a great fan of life and doing something useful with the limited time we have on this earth. I enjoy my church, my home life, and my retirement.
My hobbies include extensive international travel, experiencing new cultures, and consuming fine food and wine (both at home and dining out).
On March 31, 2008, I received the very unwelcome news, "You've got bladder cancer!"
I was born in 1959, and I am a white, male, American. I married at age 24, and in October of 2008 we celebrated our 25th anniversary. We have no children, and that's OK with us. I had a vasectomy in 1999, so no changing minds on that decision - and the docs dismissed that early as any type of contributor to the situation.
I am six feet, zero inches, and was 255 pounds when all this started, but weight decreasing now thanks to surgeries and this wake-up call. I am NOT saying cancer comes from being overweight, but weight exacerbates all other problems. (Down to 240 pounds as of 9/1/08, down to 230 pounds as of 12/31/08, down to 220 as of 5/15/09, but back up to 230 and holding since...)
My blood pressure (checked and tracked weekly) runs a hair high - 130/90. Been steady at that level for many years. Been higher lately - stress will do that.
I don't smoke, and never have smoked anything, including marijuana. The docs had some problem believing me, as smoking is a strong indicator for bladder cancer. I tried asking if I should take it up now to break even, and they finally let it go. I find the whole idea of smoking distasteful, having suffered in a home where both parents favored unfiltered Pall Malls. The docs claim that secondhand smoke at home from birth through my high school years would not be a factor.
They also suggest that exposure to radiation and chemicals can cause this. I worked in a chem lab at college and there was stuff around; but my exposure was not that much and I never rubbed my groin on any of it!
I do enjoy an occasional alcoholic drink - usually a couple of glasses of wine with dinner or maybe a beer or two with pizza or during a televised sporting event. My use is less than daily and almost never more than two in any day.
I was diagnosed with gout in 2004. Gout is a crystallization of uric acid in the joints - primarily in the left big toe. These crystals cause irritation and inflammation - then BIG TIME PAIN. Gout supposedly comes from eating rich foods and poor circulation. I may also have a recessive gene for gluten sensitivity which may have contributed; but I have not as yet investigated this. I controlled the gout successfully for a while by super-hydrating (one gallon plus of fluids per day) but 4 international trips proved that I could not maintain or control this outside of home and an air-conditioned office. So in 2006 I began taking 75mg of allopurinol daily. This is also NOT a factor for bladder cancer. Subsequently I changed my diet and lifestyle and lost a lot of weight. Now I am not taking any medication for gout, nor have I had an episode in many years.