The extra hydration and extra reaction added up to extra throughput and even more frequent dashes to the toilet. Several times during the afternoon I fell a few minutes short of making the full 20 minute intervals for sterilization!

I should focus on the non-urinary side effects more, as they are only poorly described in my side effects tables. Starting about 5-6 hours after installation there is usually some cramping in the lower stomach or bladder area, and also around the right kidney in my lower back. Sometimes short in duration and severe, sometimes long in duration and mild, these cramps are always a wild card. Ibuprofen seems to alleviate the inflammation and swelling and dispose of the long duration ones quite well. Additionally there is pain and soreness around the "affected area" and often some generalized body aches and/or a headache. I find that acetaminophen addresses this type of pain more effectively. In the morning I try to gauge which flavor of discomfort is more pronounced, and then treat with the corresponding pills. For the general tiredness, exhaustion, and run-down feeling, all that will help is time and rest. For an introvert such as myself, time alone in a semi-dark room with TV or music to mildly distract me seems to work best. The other lesson learned is to rest, even when feeling dramatically better. This takes some discipline, especially when the weather is near-perfect as it usually is in Utah in September. Another thing I have to watch is my blog writing. My exhaustion and sometimes even "brain fog" renders me incapable of putting coherent thoughts together, and that effect may often be observed in these next-day postings. Fortunately my father reads these blog postings carefully and sends polite emails pointing out such errors, so they get fixed soon after posting!
For those interested in the details, the reaction table is below, about 4.5/10 on the nausea scale.